
L is for LESBIAN!

Aight so a few months ago I took one of the worst L's of my life. I'm a winner. I'm that guy. I don't lose baby!!...But oh...I do!

Ok so let's just set the scene shall we! Cool!

So....theres this lesbian right.

She's attracted to me. Confusing to me...very much so.

In our conversations this attraction escalates from he's cute to "I'mma rape you when I see you".

I was never one to deny someone their fun so...she decides when I get back to NYC (I was still in VA at school) We can click up and chill or something.

Now I live in Queens NY. Damn near in Long Island. She wanted to meet up in Midtown Manhattan. For my non NYC readers...the distance can be summarized here: MAD FAR SON! I WOULDNT MAKE THIS TRIP IF THE CAKES DIDNT RESEMBLE A WNBA BASKETBALL FAR!

So I get to the location (Blockheads..a bar in Midtown). She's nowhere to be found. I text her asking where she is. She tells me she's about to hop on the train... I think nothing of it. It's kinda raining and that kinda blows nuts but EH I'll be ok!(how dumb of me)

So yeah 45 mins to an hour later, I am now soaked by this rain and I'm sad like Eeyore.. Head hangin' through the grungy Manhattan streets. Various extremely profane versions of "She's dumb late" come out of my mouth. I'm calling her, texting her, BBMing her...everything! No response. I try to BBM her one more time and I notice something..

She's not on my contact list. She deleted me. I try to tweet her?? She unfollowed me. AND blocked me.

Now Im stuck in the rain...with nothing to do...none of my people know I'm out here other than Kwame (who was back in Queens). So I'm having a convo with him via BBM about this tremendous L and how much this sucks when I regain my senses and stop being a bitch. I knew KJ (@Only1KJ) was making moves that night in Manhattan. I text him to see what the move is. He's also with a lesbian (at least she showed up...stoneface)...but he's further than I feel like going. I leave the pizza shop I was sitting in (Shout out to me for paying 10 bucks for 2 slices of wack ass pizza) and just took my soaked ass (AIYO!!!) home on the train.

My parents noticed how early it was (it was around 1130). I made up some shitty story like "oh haha yeah we had to skate off early!". I wasn't in the mood to say "I got stood up by a girl who doesn't even like dudes. My jacket wet and my feet hurt. I'd like a shot of Drano with a Pine Sol chaser."

I go upstairs , sit down , and let it sink in.

I felt...better. Relieved even.

Ya see...I'm 22 years old. Never been stood up in my life. Not officially. This is why when I'm supposed to make moves with females...I'm a lil "iffy". Thinking "is she REALLY gonna show up?"...because I knew in my heart I was overdue to get stood up.

I caught my date L at 22. Lucky me -_-.

Adding insult to injury, quite a few of my Twitter followers are still friends with this girl. So every couple of days...she gets RT'd onto my timeline. Will I tell you her Twitter name? No. I'm too grown for that. She played me to the left...ugh. Her reasoning?? I'll never know. Nor do I really have time to toil over it lol....such is life! I chose to keep it classy even though what she did was EXTREMELY foul. was rather confusing.

Shout out to you though....SMH. You helped me get a fear of mine out of the way.

Now I'm not worried about getting stood up...if it happens!



I fixed my blog. It was something relatively simple....that post grad boredom allows you to fix all sorts of stuff. Stay tuned. New blog posts...soon...real soon!